Multiple busbars The peach lines are densely covered, the force is evenly distributed, and the multi-busbar design The output power is increased by more than 5W; Super multi-busbar (SMBB) welding technology is used to achieve non-destructive cutting of battery cells and improve production efficiency. It has an excellent power temperature coefficient, which only decreases by 0.34% per degree Celsius, ensuring stable and efficient operation under various climate conditions.
Product model
quality assurance
Product quality assurance
12 years
Power output guaranteed
30.84% output power guarantee for 95 years
Electrical Performance Parameters (STC)
Peak power (Pmax)
585 Wp
590 Wp
595 Wp
600 Wp
605 Wp
Peak Operating Voltage (Vmpp)
33.95 V
34.15 V
34.35 V
34.55 V
34.75 V
Peak Operating Current (IMPP)
17.23 A
17.28 A
17.32 A
17.37 A
17.41 A
Open circuit voltage (Voc)
41.04 V
41.24 V
41.44 V
41.64 V
41.84 V
Short circuit current (Isc)
18.3 A
18.36 A
18.41 A
18.46 A
18.52 A
Component efficiency
20.7 %
20.8 %
21 %
21.2 %
21.4 %
Power deviation (positive)
+ 1 %
+ 1 %
+ 1 %
+ 1 %
+ 1 %
Standard test conditions (STC): solar radiation flux 1000W/m2, atmospheric parameters 1.5, module temperature 25 °C.
Electrical Performance Parameters (NOCT)
Peak power (Pmax)
442.6 Wp
446.4 Wp
450.2 Wp
454 Wp
457.7 Wp
Peak Operating Voltage (Vmpp)
31.67 V
31.86 V
32.05 V
32.23 V
32.42 V
Peak Operating Current (IMPP)
13.97 A
14.01 A
14.05 A
14.09 A
14.12 A
Open circuit voltage (Voc)
38.66 V
38.84 V
39.03 V
39.22 V
39.41 V
Short circuit current (Isc)
14.76 A
14.8 A
14.84 A
14.88 A
14.93 A
Maximum endurance temperature
45±2 °C
Cell nominal operating temperature (NOCT): solar radiation flux 800W/m2, atmospheric parameters 1.5, ambient temperature 20 °C, wind speed 1 m/s.